Tales from an English Coffee Drinker
I drink a lot of coffee (black no sugar), so much so that no matter what I'm doing I usually have a cup on hand. However, this isn't a blog just about coffee -- it's about anything I find interesting!
Monday, 17 November 2008
Wensleydale and Ginger Cheesecake
Over the years I have eaten some wonderful deserts in restaurants but I still love the Wensleydale and Ginger Cheesecake from the Hawes creamery possible more than any other. It is made with Wensleydale Cheese with Ginger and digestive biscuits and while it isn't a baked cheesecake it has that relatively heavy feel to it. No matter how hard I try and describe it I will never be able to do it justice so if you only ever go to the Hawes creamery once make sure to try the cheesecake or if you are feeling adventurous why not try and cook it for yourself.
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