Thursday 19 February 2009

Be Fed Recipes

I haven't blogged about cookbook in a while although I have been updating the version history post. Anyway I've added enough new features that I thought it was worth a separate post. There are two things I wanted to mention: comments and feeds.

Firstly comments. If you are logged in you can now comment on any of the recipes. A comment includes a star rating and some text. The star ratings from multiple users will be combined to give a rating for the recipe as a whole. Please feel free to cook the recipes and then rate them.

Possibly more interesting is the fact that you can now choose to be fed new recipes. I've added an RSS feed that will notify you when new recipes are added to the site. Most modern web browsers will show the feed icon in the address bar but if you want to access the feed directly then it can be found here.

Bon Appétit!

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