Wednesday 11 February 2009


I promised a fellow blogger some icicle photos so here we go. This is my favourite icicle photo from the last week (it was taken Sunday afternoon).

We have a wooden bench by the back door to the house and the inches of snow that had settled on it had slowly started to melt and melt water from the roof was dripping down on it as well. This seemed to make the ideal conditions for forming icicles as they were all over the underneath of the seat. The ones hanging from the diagonal support beams were the best though -- hence the rather odd angle of the photograph. Even if they were nice they were only small icicles (about 3 inches in length, maybe less). For large icicles I had to look elsewhere.

Here are the largest two icicles I could find. I haven't seen such large icicles in years. I remember as a child we used to get icicles hanging from the gutter of the garage but I honestly can't remember seeing proper icicles in at least a decade. In fact I don't know if I can recall ever having seen snow remain on the ground for this long. For those of you keeping track, then in Penistone, we have had a good amount of snow on the floor with no real sign of serious melting for a week and a half now. I don't think there is any more snow forecast now, so we just need a slight rise in temperature and it should disappear quite quickly. Then of course we just have to worry about where all the melt water goes.
12 February 2009 at 06:12 , Scriptor Senex said...

It's been back to damp and drippy here for the past week. I can't recall icicles like that since the 60s.

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