Monday, 13 July 2009

We Have Moved!

No I'm not moving the blog to a new home, I'm referring to the fact that we have now finished moving into our new home. It has been just over a fortnight since we got the keys and we have done a lot of work in that time.

It has been a long week and I want to thank my parents for all there help. Not only did they help shift boxes between the houses, but my Dad stayed in the house all week and boarded out the loft, laid a carpet, fitted a TV aerial and did lots of other jobs requiring a drill and random tools.

Whilst we have moved everything into the new house very little of it has been sorted or stored away. As an example, here is a photo of my new study -- most of the rest of the house and garage are in a similar state. We may have moved but the work hasn't stopped yet. It will be a while before we can sit down and enjoy our new home.
13 July 2009 at 19:57 , Helen said...

Congratulations to you both. Hope you have lots of happy times in your new home. Could you please email me the address. Thanks.

14 July 2009 at 05:18 , Scriptor Senex said...

Every good wish to you both for a healthy, happy and fun time in your new home. Lots of Love.

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