Sunday 7 February 2010

Opening Up The Source

Over the last few years I've released a number of bits of software via this blog; Convert4Frame, TagME, RSSThumbs, SitemapGenerator and PhotoGrid just to name those that I can remember! Some of these have been released with source code and some without, but there has been no consistent policy. In an attempt to make my life easier and to allow the possibility of other people contributing to these projects I've employed a butler, called Hudson, to help me out.

Hudson keeps on eye on the source code for all these projects and makes sure that bugs don't creep in by continuously building the application and telling me if anything breaks.

You can see what Hudson is doing by going to the website he is running for me. From there you can not only track the latest developments (and see if I screw up and introduce a bug) but you can also browse the source code which is now hosted in a publicly accessible SVN repository.

Of course if you aren't interested in the development of these applications then you can just continue to use them exactly as you were before. Hopefully though this will allow other people to get interested and help develop some of these programs and will at least ensure that I don't accidentally release buggy versions.
9 February 2010 at 23:13 , GB said...

I really really must do something about GPS tagging. It would have been so useful on my recent trip to Northland.

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