Friday, 10 August 2012

Mystery Object Of The Week

So a quick quiz to start the weekend. Name the mystery object. The answer will be revealed sometime next week. Feel free to leave a guess in the comments.

11 August 2012 at 06:31 , ADRIAN said...

It's a table cloth....with something on it.

11 August 2012 at 09:05 , Mark said...

Close; it's a napkin with something on it!

11 August 2012 at 09:17 , Scriptor Senex said...

Non-slip walking stick end?

11 August 2012 at 19:00 , Graham Edwards said...

That at least gives us a little idea of the size.

11 August 2012 at 19:11 , Mark said...

Honestly, if you don't know what it is, I'm not sure that knowing how large it is will help... sorry!

11 August 2012 at 19:15 , Graham Edwards said...

Thanks. Saves me thinking about it any more.

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