Wednesday, 24 July 2013

And The Missing Letters Were....

So the missing letters from the last post were v and l which should allow you to spell the name of a well known Belgian beer; Duvel. I was assuming that at least one of my readers would drink enough Belgian beer to recognise the distinctive font used on Duvel bottels and glasses but I was guessing I was a little over optimistic.

I was trying to spell Duvel as I'm currently in Gent, Belgium (I've been giving a GATE training course to a great bunch of people at CrossLang) and happened to arrive in the middle of their yearly arts/music festival. The hotel I'm staying at has a Duvel sponsored bar, and for each Duvel you buy you get two tokens which represent bottle tops with a letter on them. If you manage to spell out Duvel then you get a free commemorative Duvel beer glass.

It took me two nights and some trading of tokens but I now have my glass and lasting proof that I was here. Of course now I have to hope that I can take the glass on the plane home within my hand luggage, a) so that it will survive and b) as I don't have any checked luggage with me (after my trip to Marrakech I try and avoid checking luggage unless I really need to).
25 July 2013 at 07:02 , ADRIAN said...

So You didn't need a 'P' at all...well I expect you did after winning the glass.

25 July 2013 at 07:25 , Mark said...

Yeah I just couldn't resist using the Blockbuster quote as the post title.

25 July 2013 at 10:01 , Graham Edwards said...

Never heard of Duval and I'm not sure I've ever had Belgian beer. When in Berlin I used to drink German beer sometimes. In the days when I did drink beer as my main alcoholic beverage I drank proper beer but living on a Scottish Island put a realistic end to that.

25 July 2013 at 10:15 , Mark said...

Do you not now have a microbrwery somewhere on Lewis? I know there is a brewery at Uig on Skye which has some nice beers. Mind you if you don't drink much beer anymore a newer brewery on Lewis probably wouldn't help you now anyway.

25 July 2013 at 10:22 , Graham Edwards said...

There is a brewery making bottled beers. Some I've tried are ok. I have a bottle of Old Speckled Hen in the house too. If it stays this hot today it might just get drunk this evening now that you've reminded me.

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