Monday, 3 November 2008

TagME: Now with Improved When and Where!

I'm releasing another version of TagME today which should along with a number of bug fixes and improvements should fix two of the main problems I had with previous versions; choosing a time zone and setting the camera's time offset from the GPS clock.

To make choosing a time zone easier I've hacked up an as yet rudimentary time zone chooser. Basically you start by choosing a continent or large land mass (not quite sure why they are group as they are) such as Europe, Pacific or Canada and then choose (usually) a capital city to set the time zone. So for example, to choose the UK's time zone you would select Europe and then London. If you can't find your time zone then you can select Etc which then gives you the option of GMT-14 to GMT+12 as well as Zulu and UTC! This still needs work (for example, I don't really think we need the SystemV entries) but should make life a little easier.

The second problem was determining the difference between the GPS clock and the clock in the camera. Getting this right is important otherwise the location of the photos will be wrong. In previous versions the best way of doing this was to view the output in Google Earth and try and work out what how far out the pictures were and then experiment with different offsets. I've improved this by including a little map in the time offset window on which changes are instantly reflected. Currently only the first selected photo (or the first in the list if no photos are selected) is shown, so it may be easier to choose one photo that you know exactly where it was taken and then correct the time offset by applying the changes to all photos.

And in case my descriptions of these new features aren't very good here are some screenshots.

If you want more than a screenshot then as usually you can it directly or if you have the shortcuts installed from trying it before then they are already pointing to the new version.

Let me know what you think.

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