Okay so the title might be a bit overly dramatic, but we do seem to have a food supply problem at the moment.
I've just been shopping to make sure we had food for dinner only to find that neither the co-op, the Spar or Greggs have had deliveries since yesterday morning and all three are out of bread. All together the shops seem to be completely out of bread and milk, almost out of fresh fruit, veg and meat and running seriously low on tinned food -- the co-op had one tin of soup and three tins of beans.

Bread makers rule, OK. Our shops were also out of bread yesterday but since there's only Richard that normally eats the shop bought stuff it hasn't proved too much of an issue. Now where's that spare bag of flour, Damn!!!
Just found out the Co-op is closing for refurbishment tomorrow for a week! No supplies even when the supplies can get here!
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