Sunday, 30 October 2011

A Room With A View

I've blogged before about how I never expect a great view from my hotel room when I travel as we don't tend to splash out on the most expensive of rooms to keep the costs to the project down. A few weeks ago I went to Brighton for a stag do (Rob, who was my best man, is getting married in a few weeks time), and to increase the amount of money to be spent on beer we were all staying in a hostel rather than a hotel. I think most of us had visions of some horrible grotty room with a toilet half a mile down a dingy corridor. Fortunately, reality was a lot better.

Given that there were quite a few of us, we didn't end up sharing with strangers. I ended up sharing a room with four others and we had our own en-suite shower and toilet, with towels provided. More impressive was the view from the window. Not bad for £48 including breakfast!
30 October 2011 at 19:58 , Scriptor Senex said...

Jo and I stayed in a hostel in Ullapool and were surprised at how good it was - just like a TravelLodge at about £40 for the two of us (not sharing with anyone else!!!) and breakfast.

31 October 2011 at 16:45 , Graham Edwards said...

I was going to say that I don't do sharing. And in 'this' life I don't. But when I'm in NZ and go away with 'The Girls' to tournaments all over NZ we always share a unit although there have been occasions when we've all shared a 'bach' (one friend has one - called a bach but in fact a huge house - that sleeps 19!) and shared a bedroom too. But it would take a lot to get me to share in a hostel.

3 November 2011 at 13:39 , Jenny Woolf said...

Hostels can be good, I find the YHA hostels are generally very civilised these days. But privately run ones can be a mixed bag. Which hostel was this exactly? Might go there myself sometime ! :)

4 November 2011 at 08:18 , Mark said...

It was the St. Christopher's Inn --

It certainly wasn't posh, but as a place to sleep for about four and a half hours after a long evening it was perfect, and cheap.

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