Thursday, 3 November 2011

Another Room, Another View

As I recently mentioned, my job has changed slightly over the last few weeks as I've moved from working on LarKC to working on Khresmoi. Khresmoi has just finished it's first year and this week we are having a short meeting to discuss the feedback that was obtained at the review and to plan the work for the next year. The meeting is being held at Charles University in Prague and so I've had the pleasure of spending two nights in a city I've never visited before.

There will be a couple more posts about Prague once I get home (I fly back this afternoon), but I thought I'd show you the view from my hotel room: the west end of the Charles Bridge.
4 November 2011 at 07:16 , Scriptor Senex said...

You certainly get around. Hope you had time to visit the sights between meetings.

4 November 2011 at 17:18 , Mark said...

My job certainly has plus points!

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