We have all experienced the Doppler effect many times. When you hear an ambulance go past with it's siren on I'm sure that you will have noticed that the pitch of the siren changes as the ambulance approaches, reaches and then speeds away from you. This change in the sound is due to the Doppler effect. As sound travels at a uniform speed the sound leaving the ambulances siren is the same, but as it speeds towards you, you hear each wave closer and closer together and then as it passes and moves away from you the waves space out. The same thing happens with the noise from the engine of an F1 car. Just to make things clearer here is a diagram:

An F1 car is loud even when stationary -- loud enough to hurt your ears if you are too close. The Doppler effect means that as the car is driving towards you that loud, painful sound arrives as lots of closely spaced sound waves yet once it has passed you by the sound waves are spaced much further apart. This explains why at a clockwise circuit such as Silverstone your right ear will be sorer than your left as the cars tend to approach you from the right. Of course if you went to watch a race in Brazil (or any other anti-clockwise circuit) then your left ear would be sorer than your right. The only people with sore left ears at Silverstone would be those on the inside of the circuit and given how much they would have had to pay for their seat or how much money they would have to make to be a guest of one of the teams then I don't have much sympathy for their left ears!